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Bring Nature In - Free creative workshop

Join us at Malvern Cube Theatre for an inspiring workshop celebrating Midwinter through words, images, sounds and ideas. Taking inspiration from four unique artworks we will explore different ways to celebrate the beauty of Midwinter on the Malvern Hills. We will sing, write, draw, move, think and share ideas about coming to the darkest point of the year.

This in-person event with Liz Dilnot Johnson and Vee Karuna is a great opportunity to meet like-minded individuals, learn new skills, and unleash your inner creativity.

FREE workshop (suitable for 15 years+) Book your free place here

Ideas from this workshop will feed into the Turning Point event at Malvern Cube Theatre on Sat 21st December 4pm-5.30pm

Supported by Severn Arts, Malvern Hills District Council and #UKSPF

Artworks: In The Palm of Your Hand - Jennifer Ng (pictured), Wild Winter - Layla Khani, Wild Midwinter 1-4 - Lauren Radley, Post Wild Winter - Sarah Jones

December 6

Ex Cathedra St James the Greater, Leicester

December 7

Ex Cathedra St Mary’s, Moseley, Birmingham